AlotofSamsungGalaxy S5 usershavebeenfacingissuewithMMSmessages.Someusersreportedthatneithertheyare able to sendMMSmessages,northeyreceiveMMSmessagesontheirGalaxyS5.Ifyou too arefacingthesameissuei.eyourSamsungGalaxy S5 cannotsendandreceiveMMSmessages, do not consider it asafirmwareproblem ormanufacturingissue as it is mostly related to the networkproblem.However, itisnotthenetworkthathastheproblem,butthedatathatisneededtoconnecttothatnetworkAPNsettings.
InmostcasestheMMSmessagingissueis resolvedbygettingthecorrectAPNfromthecarrierorserviceprovider. Herearesomewaysthatto help you solve your SamsungGalaxy S5 cannotsendandreceiveMMSmessages issue.
Lately when someone sends me a picture via iMessage, I see a box that says 'Tap to Download' instead of an image. Most of the time when I try tapping the box, it says 'Downloading' but it is stuck at 0 bytes out of about 2 MB. Other times it will actually download after I tap it and show me the image. Aug 20, 2018 - Why don't pictures my friend sent to me in text messages work? If, instead of a photo, you get a message that reads 'Tap to Download'. Can't download pictures in text messages hm1968 Jul 29, 2010 4:18 AM I recently got the Droid and everything was working fine until yesterday when I got a couple of text messages that had pictures attached to them.
Seealso: HowToFixMobileDataConnectivityIssueOnGalaxy S5
StepstoFixGalaxy S5 CannotSendAndReceiveMMSMessagesIssue

IfyouthinkthatyourGalaxy S5 caneasilytransmitMMSmessagesifitcansendandreceivetextmessagesorifyourphoneisconnectedtoa Wi-Finetwork,thenyourconceptiswrong.InordertosendandreceiveMMSmessages, youhavetoturnonthemobiledata.

Ifyouareusingtheservicesoftheserviceproviderorthecarrierwhereyoupurchasedthephone,thenAPNwillbesetalready.Butyouhavetomakesurethatitiscorrect bygoingtoSettings > More Network> Mobile Networks > AccessPointNames > MenuKey > Resettodefault.
Contacttheservice provider
Ifyou have boughtthephonefromacompanyandusingtheserviceof another service provider,thencontacttheserviceproviderandaskforthecorrectAPN.Forexample,ifyouareusingtheserviceofStraightTalk(ST)butpurchasedyourGalaxy S5 fromVerizon,thencontactSTand enquire fortheAPN.
Factory reset
Ifyouthinkthatyouhavemessedupthesettingsofyourphoneanddonotknowhowtobringitback,then the factoryresetisthesolutionbecauseitwillbringyourGalaxy S5 toitsdefaultsettings.Butbeforeyouproceed with the forfactoryreset,backuptheimportantfiles. Read out the process here in detail.
There are several ways to create a backup of your phone. Follow the below steps to create a backup first.
- One of the best options is to make use of Samsung’s very own kies software that we normally use to update the software of our Galaxy devices.
- The second way to create a backup of the device is with Google account. Head towards Settings> General> Backup & Reset and it will provide two options named Backup my data and Automatic restores. Ensure those options are made on by ticking the check box next to them and it will backup details like Wi-Fi password, app data, Google settings, and bookmarks automatically to Google server so that they can be retrieved again in case anything wrong happen with the device.
- Another useful and easiest way to create a backup is using Samsung account. For that go to Application > Settings> User and backup> Account and check if you are signed in with your Samsung account. If the option is set to On, it will sync the contacts, calendar and internet settings to the Samsung account.

How Do I Download A Picture Message
Once you are done with the backup, go ahead with the factory reset process. Here is how to perform it on your Galaxy S5.
Why Can't I Download From The Internet
- Turn off your device first.
- Next, hold down the Home, Power and Volume Up button altogether for few seconds till Android logo shows up.
- Release the buttons then. Use Volume down button for highlighting any options and Power key to confirm it. What you need to do is highlight the Factory reset option and confirm it using the power button.
- Next, select ‘delete all user data’ and confirm it.
- Wait for few seconds to see the ‘Reboot system now’ option and select it. The phone will restart then and you need to set it up from scratch again.