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Twin Cat Warrior is physics platform game similar to another adventure flash game FireBoy & WaterGirl. Help twin Cat Warrior collect all jewels on a level and reach to the finish. Table of Contents ADVENTURE GAME. Chapter One: Welcome, Warrior! Experience adventures no warrior cat has ever dreamed of. What’s more, you won’t just read about these situations. Download on Jordan belfort. For now, though, as long as you have the items listed above, you’re ready to create a cat.
described in the rules.One Narrator
(rock-paper-scissors, evens and odds, etc.). Once that’s set, let him or her hold the adventure—no one but the Narrator should read beyond the point that says “The Adventure Begins.”
2. Lost Kits
Special Note: If your group of players all have cats from the same Clan, then the next “Read Aloud” section is spoken by that Clan’s leader. (You can find a list of the current Clan leaders on in case you need it.) If they are from different Clans, the section is spoken by Firestar.
Read Aloud: “A group of kits has snuck away from the Queens that were watching them. Every available warrior has been sent out to look for them, but we need your help, too!”
When the questioning is through, the Clan leader or Firestar tells the cats that their assignment is to check out two places in particular: a meadow next to the horseplace and an outcropping of rocks just beyond it.
Have the cats each make a Ponder Check. Anyone who gets a result of 4 or higher remembers one of the following facts—the more cats who succeed at the Check, the more information they’ll get.
• There are a lot of butterflies in that meadow this time of year.
• There’s been a strong wind blowing from the meadow toward the outcropping of rocks the past few days.
• It rained a lot yesterday, and that means the kits may have left tracks in the mud that can be followed.
• Many forest animals and prey like to gather in the meadow on sunny days like this.
• Last night’s patrol reported that the recent rain has made the snakes that live in the outcropping of rocks more active and dangerous than usual.
What Happens Next: The group must decide where they are going to search first.
If the group wants to search the meadow first, continue with 3.
If the group wants to search the rocks first, continue with 5.
If the group wants to look for tracks, continue with 4.
Create Your Own Warrior Cat And Play
4. Tracks
Read Aloud: “Thanks to yesterday’s rain, the ground here is still fairly muddy. After only a few minutes of poking around, you are able to identify two distinct sets of paw prints.”
Narrator Tips: One set of prints heads toward the outcropping of rocks; the other heads into the meadow. The first set belongs to one of the kits; the other belongs to the skunk, though the cats may not know this right away.
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If the cats have already encountered the skunk (or otherwise figured out that it’s there), they can automatically tell the paw prints apart. If not, then they’ll have to use their hunter’s instincts to tell them what the tracks in the mud mean. They’ll do that by making some Skill Checks. The following Skills and Knacks will be most useful, but let the cats try anything their players can think of, as long as it seems likely to help.Animal Lore or Ponder: Knowledge about other animals will help tell the difference between the tracks. An Animal Lore Check that totals 4 or higher or a Ponder Check that totals 5 or higher will let the cat know that the tracks that lead into the meadow were made by a skunk.
See: Simple observation will tell the cats something about the animals that made the two tracks. A Check that totals 4 or higher will reveal that the tracks leading into the meadow were made by something the size of a full- grown warrior, and even heavier. Plus the paws that made those tracks clearly have very sharp claws. The tracks heading toward the rocks were made by a smaller, lighter creature—just about the right size for a kit.
Smell: Sniffing around the area will provide information if the Check total is 5 or higher. In that case, the cat will smell a foul, bitter, unpleasant odor lingering in the tracks leading to the meadow. If the Smell Check is 6 or higher, the cat also catches a faint whiff of the kits in the tracks heading toward the rocks.
Track: Hunting Skill is very much involved in this section, so a cat with this Knack can choose to use it to help with either the See or Smell Checks (or any other check the Narrator thinks is appropriate).
What Happens Next:
If the group follows the tracks that lead toward the meadow, continue with 7.
If the group follows the tracks that lead toward the outcropping of rocks, continue with 5.
6. Goof Off
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Special Note: If the cats get sleepy because they chewed on poppy seed leaves, then adjust the “Read Aloud” section to indicate that Firestar has found the group sleeping rather than goofing off.Read Aloud: “It’s a beautiful day! You can chase butterflies or wrestle with each other or just lie in the sun. It all seems so perfect until you hear a stern voice calling out.
“What are you doing?!’'
“It’s Firestar, and he doesn’t look happy!”
Narrator Tips: Lead the players through a brief conversation with Firestar. He wants to know why they’ve shirked their responsibilities. Let them try to explain, or simply apologize if they prefer. There really is no good excuse for this, but sometimes this happens to young cats. Hopefully they will learn from the experience. Firestar will be very disappointed in them and suggest that maybe they were promoted to warriors too soon. Thankfully, another group of warriors was able to save the kits in time. He will remind them that if they can’t be counted on to help their Clan in a time of need, they’re no better than kittypets.
What Happens Next: The adventure is over for the cats. They have failed in their assignment and will have to make up for their mistakes by doing extra hunting and patrolling for the next moon or more.
The cats do not get any Experience rewards for this adventure.
8. Poppy Seeds
Read Aloud: “In a corner of the meadow you find the patch of poppy plants. The air is filled with their intoxicating smell, and if the kits were here they wouldn’t be able to resist chewing on the seeds until they fell asleep. But there are no kits here. Still, those flowers smell so good, it’s hard to resist.”
Narrator Tips: This section is just a simple test of the cats’ willpower. Have each cat make a Focus Check. If the Check is 2 or lower, that cat can’t resist the temptation to chew on some poppy seeds. Doing so causes the cat to lose 1 Spirit chip. If losing that chip costs the cat his or her last Spirit chip, then the cat falls asleep. If a character is supposed to spend a Spirit chip but has no more Spirit chips left in his or her pool, then the cat has gotten sick from eating too many poppy seeds.
What Happens Next:
If any of the cats get sick, continue with 10.
If half or more of the cats fall asleep, continue with 6.
If less than half of the cats fall asleep, the other cats are able to wake them and the whole group can go on searching for the kits. Continue with 4.
10. Sick
Special Note: The details of this section will be slightly different depending on whether the cats get here because of eating too many poppy seeds or from being caught in the skunk’s spray. Keep those details in mind as you play through the details.
Read Aloud: “You open your eyes and find yourself back in the Clan camp. Lifting your head is more difficult than it usually is, and when you try, the whole world seems to spin around you.
“‘Don’t move,’ you hear a familiar voice meow. ‘You’re not ready to get up just yet.’”
Narrator Tips: The voice comes from the Clan’s medicine cat. Although this may be in different camps if the players’ cats are from separate Clans, the conversations will be so similar that you can pretend they’re all taking place together.
The medicine cat will tell the characters that other warriors brought them home in very sick condition. But with the quick application of some healing herbs, the medicine cat has fixed it so that they will all be fine after a little extra rest.
Depending on the details of how they got there, you may have the cats get a visit from their Clan leader to talk about the appropriate behavior for a warrior on a mission. There’s no shame in retreating from or falling to a stronger opponent, but eating yourself sick is unacceptable. (This is based on whether you, as a Narrator, think this would be helpful for the players—it’s a way to give them advice from a character in the game.)
What Happens Next: The adventure is over for the cats. Because of their illness, they were unable to accomplish the goal of rescuing the kits. Thankfully, other warriors did.
The cats do not get any Experience rewards for this adventure.
12. Hurt
Special Note: The details of this section will change based on how the cats got hurt. Use your imagination and improvise based on what has happened in the adventure so far.
Read Aloud:“When you open your eyes, you immediately feel the lingering pain from your wounds.
“‘Don’t move too much,’ meows the familiar voice of your medicine cat. ‘You’ve already shown how brave you are; now show me how smart you are by lying still for a few days while your body heals.’”
Narrator Tips: It’s certainly possible that not all of the cats were injured. If only one character is Knocked Out, the whole group had to work together to get him or her back to camp, and so the whole group had to give up the search for the kits. Thankfully, another group found and rescued them.
Although the cats will all go back to their separate Clans, the rest of this scene will be pretty much the same in each case. For that reason, it’s okay to take a shortcut and only play through it once, telling the players about any individual differences separately.
There is no shame in losing a fight. In fact, standing your ground and fighting to the end is the mark of true bravery. The Clan’s leader and other members of the Clan will certainly be proud of the cats for acting like real warriors and will probably stop by to say so.
It will take a few days, or maybe even weeks, for the characters to fully heal. When they are better, though, they’ll be warmly welcomed back to their duties.
What Happens Next: The adventure is over for the cats. They acted bravely but, in the end, did not have what it took to overcome the dangers they faced.
Although they can be proud of the bravery they showed, the cats do not get any Experience rewards for this adventure.
14. Snake Fight
Read Aloud: “Behind a tall rock you see a cave entrance. Slithering back and forth in front is a pair of vipers. They look angry and seem focused on something inside the cave—until they notice you!”
Narrator Tips: The fight with the snakes works just like any other fight, as described in Chapter Five. The only difficulty for the Narrator is that there are two snakes, so be sure to track each one separately (it’s best to use a piece of scrap paper for this). Another complication is that the snakebites are poisonous.
Each snake has a Strength of 2. Every Round on their turn, the snakes will each attack one cat (if possible, the cat who hit it most recently). The snakes don’t have Swat attacks, just Bites. These bites only do 1 point of damage if they hit (there is no extra damage as with cat Bites, as described in Chapter Five). However, they are poisonous.
A cat who has been bitten by a snake is poisoned and will remain that way until he or she gets treatment from a medicine cat. Every Round, the cat must make a Spirit Check. If that Check equals 3 or higher, nothing happens immediately. If the Check totals 2 or lower, the cat loses 1 chip (player’s choice). Some cats have a high enough Spirit to pass this test easily, but it gets more difficult if the cat is bitten more than once. For every time a snake bites a cat, the difficulty of the Spirit Check goes up by 1. So if a cat is bitten twice, he or she loses a chip if the Spirit Check is 3 or lower. If the cat is bitten three times, he or she loses a chip if the Spirit Check is 4 or lower, and so on.
When the cats attack, the snakes have a Jump Check equal to 5. They are fast and hard to hit, but not very tough. Each snake can only take 3 points of damage
and then it dies.
Also, if the fight goes on too long, the snakes will get discouraged and leave. After six Rounds of fighting, instead of attacking on their turn, the snakes turn around and run away. They slither under some large rocks and will not come out again until after the cats leave.
What Happens Next: Win or lose, this fight is the climax of the adventure.
If the cats kill or chase away the snakes, continue with 13, even if one or two of the cats were Knocked Out during the fight.
If all of the cats were Knocked Out during the fight, continue with 12.